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What To Know About Hit And Run Car Accidents

Being involved in a hit and run is an extremely frustrating situation. After all, you want to be sure that compensation is distributed fairly to ensure that all repairs and medical expenses are covered. If you are involved in a hit and run car accident, here's what you should know:

Any Situation Where the Other Driver Leaves the Scene is Considered a Hit and Run:

If you are hit by another vehicle and they leave the scene, of course, this is what most people consider to be a hit and run, and it is. However, a hit and run accident also includes accidents in which you may have been at fault, but the person you hit has left the scene. It's still important to report this incident to your car insurance company to ensure that it doesn't hurt you in the end. Since the driver took off, chances are it won't affect you too much as long as you have good insurance. Knowing that hit and runs are also classified in this way will help you when reporting the incident. 

Take Action After a Hit and Run:

Instead of simply driving off yourself after the other driver has, stay at the scene and take action to defend yourself. It's important to take pictures, find witnesses and take the time to remember small details yourself. For example, write down the color of the car, any numbers on the license plate you can distinctly remember, and even the color hair of the driver and whether or not they were male or female. All of this can help in the long run if the driver is eventually caught and your hit and run accident ends up going to trial. Be sure to collect contact information from your witness to ensure that they can be contacted later on if the case does end up in trial. 

​Go to the Police:

Finally, you want to be sure that you go to the police with all the information that you have collected. This will ensure that you are seen as being responsible for your actions, which helps if the driver is caught and it helps the driver be caught because the police will know who to look for even if the description seems so general. If the case ends up in trial, the police report is going to help progress your case even further. 

When you know these things about hit and run car accidents, you can be sure that you know how to handle the situation, which is going to help you when collecting compensation from your car insurance company. Talk with an insurer like Kuresman Insurance for more information.
