Car insurance companies generally assume that an insurance coverage extends to everybody in a household. However, you may be allowed to name specific people that you want to be excluded from your coverage. This is called Named-Driver exclusion, and here are five things you should know about it:
Some Carriers Don't Allow It
There are auto insurance carriers that won't allow you to exclude drivers in your household even if you want to.
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What Types of Insurance Does Your Small Business Need?
If you are just starting your own small business, you may be wondering how best to protect your investment. There are many different types of business insurance policies, but not all types are right for every business. Check out these five common types of insurance your small business may need.
General Liability Insurance
Just about any business needs general liability insurance. This type of insurance is designed to cover common issues businesses face.
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What To Do When The Insurance Company Wants You To Exclude A Driver
Auto insurance policies cover the vehicles they were purchased for, which means any damage to the cars or trucks will generally be covered regardless of who is driving them. However, sometimes insurance companies will insist a policyholder exclude a particular driver from being covered. Here's what it means if this happens to your and what you can do about it.
Why the Insurer May Object to a Particular Driver
The reasons an auto insurance company may want you to exclude a driver are the same reasons they may refuse to approve a potential policyholder for coverage: the person has demonstrated he or she is a high-risk driver.
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4 Life Changes That Can Mean Lower Homeowner's Insurance Premiums
There are many factors that are used to calculate your homeowner's insurance premiums. Much of this is out of your control, and simply is a reflection of your home's value and location. But there are certain factors that may bring down your insurance. Some of these factors are things that come about because of changes that take place in your life. The following are four of these changes.
You recently got married
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